A Song of Slime

Luring the skeletons in with artificial teeth and fake candy she had made out of clay, she lined the bottom of her trap with 'magical science slime' she made in her slime lab that she promised would stop the skeletons…

Stolen Bones and Sweets

We were driving around after school yesterday, Halloween afternoon, and when a (costumed) skeleton crossed in front of us I joked, "Hope you don't loose your tooth tonight--the skeletons are out!" Her eyes were full of tears when she came into my room this morning. "THE SKELETONS STOLE MY TOOTH!"

Faer Fools and Darv Delvers

Long ago I asked her if there were dwarves or elves in her fantasy world, and she said yes but then asked what those were. Given the basics, she came up with her own amazing takes springboarding off them. No dwarves and elves for her: they were 'darvs' and the 'Faer'.

Tales of the Kingsfight

Long ago, when my young Monstervore was 4 or 5, I asked her if there were any kings and queens in Kabos. "No," she said. "They're all dead. They had a big fight using their magic powers, and they all killed each other…”

An Unexpected (But Long-Awaited) Journey

I remember my daughter pulling this book off her shelf when she was about four, and we looked at the illustrations together, leading to the sudden appearance of pseudo-dwarves in her own fantasy world of Monstervores--but she wasn't ready to visit Middle-Earth yet…

Goldbone Refused

Two nights ago before bed, she told me, "I'm sending a note to the Tooth Fairy.” … but as she was preparing for bed tonight she found a new note scrawled on paper in the bathroom—from the skeletons….

Bonegold from a Friend

After losing the second of her front teeth last week, my daughter made the usual pact with her fae friends, exchanging the tooth for geld. What I didn't expect was that a couple nights later she would ask, "Daddy, what happens if I leave money for the Tooth Fairy?"

Nothing, and a Lot More

We had some scraps of furry fabric in the craft bin, and she pieced them together in a bag. "It's my princess bag," she told me. I asked: a purse? "No," she corrected me, "A bag like the one princesses in Kabos carry on adventures…"

A Bigger, Better Map

It was two years ago today that I started drawing the map of Kabos with her on a sheet of butcher paper, but it's a total coincidence that today is the day we finally hung our new and upgraded version of the map…

Sickness & Health

While I'm not getting a ton of writing on the Monstervore book done, the ideas never stop flowing from my young world-builder. Naturally, lately some of the ideas have to do with diseases in Kabos…

The Secret Fox

For the last couple weeks, her life has been all about secrets and spies after she and her friends at school formed a "Spy Club” called the Secret Fox, and the Fox has made its way into Kabos…

The Mind of a Monstervore

I went delving through her bookshelves and the list of books we've checked out of the library for the last couple years, in search of books where elements seem like they've found their way into her mind and her world…


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Where Skeletons Came From

“Where did the FIRST skeleton come from?” That’s up to you, I said. Kabos is a land made up of your stories, so the answer to any question can be whatever you want. “There was a man,” she started…