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Wearing Kabos

Wearing Kabos

Picture This is a pretty cool company that makes dresses printed with drawings you send in. I gave a gift certificate to them to my niece a couple years ago, and I’ve been waiting for my own little girl to get big enough to make a cool dress ever since. A few weeks ago I realized we’d made the perfect source image—our Monstervore map!

You’re supposed to use art supplies and draw on a printout of the outline. Like so many other Photoshop users, I cheated a bit.

You’re supposed to use art supplies and draw on a printout of the outline. Like so many other Photoshop users, I cheated a bit.

So I used Photoshop to drop a section of the map into their template, sent it in…and last week the dress arrived, just in time for me to give it to her as a combination birthday/Christmas present! It’s not her favorite dress (that would be the multiple dinosaur dresses she has), but she has asked to wear it around the house while playing, which is the Five Year Old Seal of Approval.

I took her over to the map so she could compare them, and she immediately turned to flatten herself against the wall, going stone-faced. “Oooo knn semee,” she said through clamped lips. “Ahm amofau.”

”You’re what?”


“What’s an amofau? Some kind of creature?” I asked, ready to take notes on a monster from Kabos.

”No, Daddy,” she said, opening her mouth. “I’m not a creature—I’m camouflaged! You can’t see me because I match! I’m a part of Kabos!”

Someday she’ll realize how right she really is.

You can’t see her, but she’s in this photo. Honest.

You can’t see her, but she’s in this photo. Honest.

Bye and Die

Legends & Shadows

Legends & Shadows